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Me (19F) and my friend's (25F) crush (23M) like each other

My friend F told me she had a crush on her friend M last year. I knew him but I don't think we were really that close. This semester we have a class together so we sit next to each other and do homework or hang out after class. At one point we decided to start playing video games together online. I told F about it and asked if it was ok. I just didn't want her to think I was trying to replace her or that I liked M better than her. She's the type of person to think people don't like her anymore easily. But she said that it was ok and I was just acting silly.After a few weeks I started to like M. My plan was to just keep it to myself and wait for it to go away but it only got worse. I felt like the way he was acting towards me was making me like him more and more. The other day my friend and I got high and she kept repeating "It's not your fault. He doesn't like me. He likes you." Even though I kind of suspected that I was surprised to hear her say it. At the time I was extremely focused on the tv so I didn't say anything back. Neither of us have brought it up since.I don't know what to do now. F and M are my only friends at school and I don't want either of them to be unhappy. I feel evil talking to M knowing that he likes me. But if I were to start distancing myself from him 1. F wouldn't even know and 2. that's not going to make him like her. I never planned on telling either of them that I like M but what if he tells me he likes me? I would be lying if I said I didn't want to go out with him but that's so wrong. And I can't tell him about F that's a secret. I think if that situation happened there's a possibility that all three of us will become awkward with each other. Things have usually been weird at least for me after getting rejected. And if F somehow found out I like M it would crush her. She's already depressed right now and she's the type of person to try to make other people happy and then go suffer alone. I really need advice.TLDR: Me and my friend's crush like each other. I feel guilty and I'm worried it will mess up our friendship. via /r/relationships

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