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Fear Inoculum Review Holy Fucking Shit. So I have about 140 plays of FI logged (wish I was kidding) and I've decided to write down my thoughts on the new single. (0:00) That chime sounds crazy! (0:11) Hypnotic back and forth guitar/bass, love it. More ambiant sounds coming from Danny draws me further in. (0:55) Tablas! Classic. Already love where this is going. (1:05) What isntrument is that? Sounds dope. (1:18) More focus on the hypnotic swells (1:35) Danny sneaks in a couple toms before Justin kicks off the main groove. (1:38) Oh my bass. Justin comes on to fill the void with this insane spacey delayed riff. Danny flowing nicely. (2:00) Adam fades out and here comes Maynard. 13 years of waiting to hear this mans voice on a tool track I haven't heard 100 times. Of course he's perfect. (2:20) I fucking love this band. Adams tone reminds me of Aenima and my panties couldn't be more soaked. Then Maynard sings the last half of the verse over it! "Naive - I - opened - up - to yoooouuu" Chills. Every. Time. (2:40) Lets go! Hell yeah here it comes! (2:55) Oh wait nvm, another verse but this one is a little more aggressive with Adam swelling added back into the mix. (3:14) "Deceiver says" Hated this part initially but I like it now. Just not where I was expecting it to go. (3:35) Oh shit, bless this immunity, lets go! (3:56) EXHAAAAALE! Oh my god. This has to be the most refreshing Tool choruses ever. How does it sound so heavy yet so uplifting and empowering? Amazing how they express emotions through the music itself as well as the vocals. (4:25) Wtf was that warpy tom sample? I don't know but I love it. Nice little Tabla palate cleanser after that epic af chorus. (4:36) Nice fill Danny. (4:40) God dayum I love Maynard. Sounds so fucking great. (5:00) My second favorite part of this song. How everyone comes together at the end of the verses is crazy. (5:23) EXHAAAALE round 2. Love it. Adams roaring bar chords backing up Maynard's heavenly voice. I hear you to Justin smackin the fuck outta that bass. (5:45) Oh fuck, wait what!? (5:50) Holy mother of god it's like the first riff but meaner! Danny teasing us with the cymbals (6:08) Justin brings back the funk (6:16) Danny comes in. My body is ready. (6:25) Maynard in creepy ominous Tool mode. Goosebumps. (6:55) Maynard sounds like he's spiraling down and I'm ready to go down with him. (7:00) More powerful bar chords ringing out (7:35) "exorcise the spectacle" this part sounds really cool. I read on here that Maynard is singing in 7/4 while the boys are playing in 22/8. It creates this weird floaty feeling where they drift in and out of sync (like 46&2 but cooler). I like it, even if it sounds just like the part from Grand Canyon. (8:10) Favorite part of this track. Justin switches to a clean tone that takes over and makes this moment even more epic. (8:45) Alright let see where this goes, doesn't really sound that heav(9:00) Holy fuck, if there ever was a riff to purge someone of the venom and the fear that binds them this is it. (0:00) Aw shit here we go again.
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