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Priest of the male hegemony

* Banu Qadisia's heartbreaking article *

          * Priest of the #male hegemony *

* When a woman dies, her funeral is raised by a man. This guy takes it off the ladder *
* At #birth, this man calls in his ear. *
* Appears in the form of the Father through the chest, protects the brother in the form of #brother and gives love to the husband.
* And in the case of a son, he finds Paradise for himself in his footsteps *
* Looks really good-looking *
* As the rising mother follows the Sunnah of Hajra, she takes her to Sa'i between Safa and Marwah.
* Indus arrives at this woman's cry *
Andalus is victorious for this woman. And for the sake of that spouse, 80% of victims fall asleep to protect the woman's rape. Really, "man is a priest of lust." *

* But when Eve's daughter takes off her body, gets dressed and puts it in her womb, she really becomes a priest.
* And why not? *

 * Open meat is the ultimate for dog cats. *

 * When a woman goes out of the house to spoil the faith of the priests of the lions. So when stopped, this liberal woman gives the man the title of "narrow-eyed" and "stone-age" with the words that the mouths of cats should be protected from open meat.

* Seventy thousand cell phones in hand-torn jeans with tight shirts, four-and-a-half thousand make-up on the face, hair on the face, open the face like an egg, and open hair when the girls come out of the house. If you complain about the lustful eyes of men, they should be tied up in front of the cannons, who will go straight to Europe and the United States and see the status of women like you whose honor is limited to beds. *

* "Handle O Bounty Eve to your hobbies *

* We have seen top market beauty at auction "*

* Male *

* I felt the helplessness of a man when my father was battling cancer and more worried about the health that he had saved for his children than he was spending on his illness. Yes and what will happen to us after that? I saw the man's sacrifice when he went to a shopping mall and saw a family with a pile of shopping bags in his hands and the wife was telling her husband that my shopping was complete and my children were done. Also buy a new chapel on which to respond no matter what day of last year it was worn, what you see and what to take will not be able to come alone afterwards. Now I am the one who has to buy and buy today. *
* I noticed the man's instincts when he brought something for his wife and children, he also brought gifts for his mother and sister. I saw the protection of the man when he crossed the road with his family. Positioning yourself in front of traffic. I saw the man's seizure when his young daughter returned home after she left the house. Well he did too, he wants to cry, but the phrase that a man never cries will make him cry. *
(* Banu Qadisia *)

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