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14/F. Looking for a close group of friends.

Ive honestly been having an awful night and feeling really lonely, so I decided to post here and see if I could meet anybody. Its honestly always been a dream of mine to just have a close group friends that i can talk to, so thats basically what I'm looking for.Before anything, please be close to the MST timezone and please dont message me if you're over the age of 17. Talking with similar timezones makes things easier and i just have an easier time talking to people close to my age.To start off with some things about me, I like to play video games, draw, write, roleplay (not the cringy nuzzles you asterisk type roleplay) look at memes, listen to music, and...I don't know, I think thats it? I literally had a mental breakdown like ten minutes ago so I can't think very well rn. I also like anime, but I just got back in to it. Within the past like two weeks I've watched Darling in the FranXX and Fruits Basket, and currently am watching Banana Fish.So, yeah! Message me if you're interested. I have Discord, Skype and Instagram. via /r/Needafriend

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